A downloadable GS-14 for Windows

 About the game

This game was created during a second quarter college subject "Proyecto 2" in an eight-people team, using SDL as a graphic engine. The plot of the game is based arround our main character, Grant, a young man who discovers that he was genetically engineered, and that there is life outside the lab he is confined in. He confronts his father, the main scientist, but he declares that he is far too unexperienced and they have to keep his existence in secret.

He and his best friend plan an escape: make a controlled explosion to keep the scientist occupied, and then sneak out of the lab. However the explosion escalated, it was far more powerfull that they thought it will be and in the process, the main system that locks all doors malfunctions, freeing all the monstrous creations that were imprisioned in the laboratory.

As a result, his friend dies and Grant loses control of himself, his powers finally develop: he can read the last thoughts of creatures -which are definitelly not serious, by the way- and he can shoot energy balls. He awakes the monster inside of him. Now, filled with rage, Grant has to make a way out of the laboratory alone, defeat the monsters and escape towards freedom by any means.

Learn more 

We have a lot of information about the game, the various monsters, and about the students behind the proyect in our spanish web page: https://joseinside.github.io/GS-14/index.html

*Side note: the weTransfer link died years ago, so this itch.io page is the only way you can download the game as of now. The web page´s purpose is to add some extra background to the game!



  • W: Up
  • S: Down
  • A: Left
  • D: Right


  • Shoot: Left mouse button
  • Reload: R key
  • Dash: Space


* Four different enemies and a final Boss

* Beautiful sprites made exclusively for this game

* Funny, cringeworthy phrases in Spanish

* Cool Synthwave music featuring DOS-88 and Three Chain Links

* You can turn on and off the blood in the Options menu

Known issues

* The collision system is by far not optimized, but its pretty playable given the fact that is made from scratch.


GS-14 (A Monster Inside).zip 17 MB

Install instructions

1. Unzip the downloaded file

2. Go to Game folder

3. Double click "GS-14.exe" to lauch the game

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